# Helper Attributes
NioSlatTable allows several helper attributes which enhance the behavior and/or styling of the table:
# single-select
Allows the selection of one item at a time. Displays radio buttons to the left of each item. Configure default selection using the defaultSelection prop.
# multi-select
Allows the selection of multiple options. Displays checkboxes to the left of each item. Configure default selections using the defaultSelection prop.
# dense-rows
Items are displayed as shorter than the default (80px instead of 96px)
# search-sort-header
Exposes a search bar and sort opptions selection in the table header. Use in conjunction with the searchableProps and sortOptions props.
# selected-search-header
For use with the multiSelect helper attribute. Shows the number of selected items and a search bar in the table header. Configure the search bar with the searchableAttributes prop.
# selected-header
For use with the multiSelect helper attribute. Shows only the number of selected items in the table header.
# count-header
Shows only the total number of items in the table header.
# footer-actions
Exposes a secondary table footer which is populated using the footer-actions slot.
<template v-slot:footer-actions>
<NioButton @click="back">Back</NioButton>
<NioButton @click="next">Next</NioButton>
# pagination
Displays pagination controls in the table footer. Configure using the itemsPerPageOptions and initialItemsPerPage props
# listing-plain
Hides all interaction controls. Used for the simple display of data.