# Selection Controls

# Components

This section documents the selection controls contained in Tacklebox, and mirrors Vuetify's documentation. Please refer to their documentation if you cannot find what you are looking for here: https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/selection-controls/

The following components are documented here:

# nio-checkbox

# nio-radio-group

# nio-radio-button

# nio-switch


Vuetify provides an additional component, v-simple-checkbox, which is largely a component implemented internally in various Vuetify components. We have decided not to implement a standalone component in this case, opting to provide a SASS mixin instead which simply applies styles to Vuetify's v-simple-checkbox component. See styles/components for more information

# Props

These components preserves all of the props available on their respective Vuetify component. No additional props are supported.

# Events

These components preserves all of the events available on their respective Vuetify component. No additional props are supported.

Additionally, they each provide the following event emitters:

# @mounted

Emits when the component's mounted lifecycle method is executed

# @destroyed

Emits when the component's destroyed lifecycle method is executed

# Slots

This component preserves all of the named slots supported by the their respective Vuetify component. Additionally, they each support a generic content slot.

# Examples

The following is a simple example of how to use this component in a Vue template:

# nio-checkbox

<nio-checkbox v-model="selected" label="select me"></nio-checkbox> 

# nio-radio-group

<nio-radio-group v-model="selection">
	<nio-radio-button label="apple" value="apple"></nio-radio-button> 
	<nio-radio-button label="banana" value="banana"></nio-radio-button> 
	<nio-radio-button label="orange" value="orange"></nio-radio-button> 

# nio-switch

<nio-switch v-model="active" label="module active"></nio-switch> 

Included here are live examples of this component in common configurations. Click below to view them.

# Source Code

This component's source code is included for your reference

Last Updated: 2/10/2021, 5:34:22 PM