# Nav Menu

# selector


# Props

Prop name Type Required Default value
navItems array<NavMenuItemGroup> true []
lockItems object false {}
hideItems object false {}
activeItemName object false {}

# Prop details:

Array of _NavItemGroup_s to be displayed in the component.

# :lockItems

Object of key-value pairs where the key is the name property of the targeted nav-menu-item and the value is a boolean indicating whether a locked icon will appear on the right hand side of the nav-menu-item when rendered

# :hideItems

Object of key-value pairs where the key is the name property of the targeted nav-menu-item and the value is a boolean indicating whether the item will be hidden from view

# :activeItemName

Name of the nav-menu-item which will contain Vueitfy's active menu item classes

Group of items to be displayed together, indented under a common header

The following are the available properties on the NavMenuItemGroup type:

Property Type Required Supported Values
groupName string false any string
groupLabel string false any string
items array<NavMenuItem> true
# groupName

Javascript object key representing the group in the Vue component

# groupLabel

Heading to be displayed at the top of the group of items

# items

Array of _NavMenuItem_s (see NavMenuItem below)

Object representing the NavMenuItem component. Used by the NavMenu component to create instances of the NavMenuItem component at runtime.

Property Type Required Supported Values
name string false any string
label string true any string
items array<NavMenuItem> true
icon supported icon name or Streamline icon object string or object false
status string false coming | new | alpha | beta
Last Updated: 2/10/2021, 5:34:22 PM