# Props
Prop name | Type | Required | Default value |
state | String | No | "initial" |
maxFileSize | Number | No | 1024 * 1024 * 100 (100MB) |
multiple | Boolean | No | false |
validateFn | Function | No | () => true |
percentComplete | Number | No | 0 |
valid | Boolean | No | false |
instructions | String | No | "Choose a file" |
actionLabel | String | No | "Go" |
inProgressMsg | String | No | "Working on it..." |
successMsg | String | No | "Everything went smoothly" |
generalErrorMsg | String | No | "Something went wrong. Please try again." |
filesizeErrorMsg | String | No | "Your file is too large. Please choose another file." |
multifileErrorMsg | String | No | "Only one file is allowed" |
validationErrorMsg | String | No | "Your file contained errors. Please choose another file" |
# state
The current state of the file selection process. Supported values are "initial", "selected", "inProgress", "success" and "error".
# multiple
Whether multiple files are allowed to be selected.
# maxFileSize
The maximum filesize in bytes. If a file is selected that exceeds this size, a message with the value of the filesizeErrorMsg will be shown.
# validateFn
A function that will be executed. The argument supplied to the function will be the array of files selected. If a single file is selected, that file can be accessed internally as files[0]. An example usage of validateFn to validate the filetype is shown below:
<NioFileChooser validateFn="validateFile" ...></NioFileChooser>
export default {
data: () => ({
extensionList = ['jpg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'png'];
methods: {
isValidFileType(fileName) {
return this.extensionList.indexOf(fileName.split('.').pop()) > -1;
validateFile(files) {
if (!this.isValidFileType(files[0])) {
return false
return true
# percentComplete
The current progress of the execution. Will show the progress in an indicator when state = 'inProgress'.
# valid
Whether the currently selected file is valid. If set to false, a message with the value of the validationErrorMsg will be shown.
# instructions
The instructions shown to the user when state = "initial".
# actionLabel
The button text displayed to initiate file processing. The parent component will receive an actionClicked event, at which point state is set to "inProgress", and the parent component can begin processing the file(s), upating percentComplete as desired.
# inProgressMsg
The message to be displyed when state = "inProgress".
# successMsg
The message to be displyed when state = "success".
# successMsg
The message to be displyed when state = "success".
# generalErrorMsg
The message to be displyed when state = "error" and there was not a validation, fileSize, or multifile error detected by the component.
# filesizeErrorMessage
A message to be displayed when the size (in bytes) of the selected file is greater than maxFileSize.
# multifileErrorMessage
A message to be displayed when mutiple files are selected, but mutifile is set to false.
# validationErrorMessage
A message to displayed when the result of validateFn(files) is returned as false.